
Toontown Rewritten Gardening Bean Combinations


You can only plant flowers on the flower beds around your own house. There are 10 slots available, when you have purchased a watering can from Clarabelle's Cattlelog. The watering can and more gardening items are available in your next Cattlelog after the release of the Toontown Gardening update.
If you want to plant a flower, you need to enter that flower bed around your house and find an empty slot for a flower. Click on .
This combination panel will show up:

In your first attempt when planting flowers the following Jelly bean colors will lead to the appropriate types of flowers:

After harvesting your first types and earning a shovel skill of 40 you will be able to put more jelly beans into the above combination panel:
Respect the correct order of colors when putting in the jelly beans!

Once you have picked 80 flowers you can plant these combinations of three Jelly beans:

With a total of 160 picked flowers (Bronze Shovel Skill of 80) you can plant these combinations of four Jelly beans:

With a total of 240 picked flowers (Steel Shovel) you can plant these combinations of five Jelly beans:

With 400 picked flowers (Silver Shovel Skill of 160) you can put down these combinations of six Jelly Beans:

With 560 picked flowers (Gold Shovel) you can put down these combinations of seven Jelly Beans:

With 880 picked flowers (Gold Shovel skill of 320) you can plant these combinations of eight Jelly Beans:

These are all the combinations to flowers existing by now.
Further recipes will be listed here as soon as more flowers need to be discovered one day.

Every planting action will cost the amount of Jelly beans, which have been settled for the attempt. So failed attempts will cost your Jelly beans! Jelly beans will be taken from your Jelly bean bank in your house if the Jelly bean jar your toon is carrying is empty.

Shovel skill can be obtained by picking a sprout. Every harvest leads to +1 skill. Read more about watering, picking and earning shovel skill here.

Flowers are always sprouting shortly past midnight (Pacific Standard Time), even when they have planted and watered just a little before that. However, you cannot watch them growing sad.gif.

Important: You should not forget to take care to plant each Jelly Bean combination once at least. You do not earn skill points for the lower amount of combos any more once you have reached the next shovel skill level. So you will get thrown back in your progress one day once you have to settle down a lower combo although you could already plant the higher one.
From practical experience you should always put 10 plants at once, pick them on the next day and sell them. Have a look into your flower album on the first time whether you have 5 different species in there. Then plant 10 new ones right away and don't forget to water them. Once you reach the next combo level, you should have a look into your album again once you have harvested and sold it on the wheel barrow. Check if you find 5 new flowers and haven't overseen any combo.

You cannot see on the plant offspring which flower will grow from it. But you can click on 'Remove' and will see this display of what plant you are about to remove:

There are 40 species of flowers in eight categories. I'd like to show the complete different varieties known by now here:


(8 of 8 total)


(3 of 3 total)


(5 of 5 total)


(8 of 8 total)


(4 of 4 total)


(5 of 5 total)


(2 of 2 total)


(5 of 5 total)

Please note that the Jelly bean recipes shown underneath each blossom is exactly needed to be planted to achieve the individual flower.

Total: 40 of 40 flowers known

Toontown Rewritten Gardening Bean Combinations


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